
Thursday, April 20, 2006

They aren't my heroes...

I think today in America, we are way to caught up in the lives of celebrities and the famous. It seems that everywhere you go there is always someone talking about the latest celebrity gossip or a newspaper stand with all the different celebrity magazines.

I was looking through
this blog and was amazed at how much people really care to know about their favorite celebrity. I think people envy the lives that these celebrities have and they want to be just like them, so they want to know everything there is to know about them.

I personally don't get too involved in the celebrity gossip. The only things I know are things that are told to me. I don't really care to know which celebrity is dating whoever. It just has never interested me. I don't have a problem with people who do.

I find it interesting that in America the number one headline is "Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes have their baby". It amazes me that this covers the front page when we have men and women fighting in various parts of the world to save our freedoms. I worry sometimes about the people we look up to and envy and set as our heroes. My hero was always my parents, but some kids today don't have parents to look up to or choose a different hero and a lot of the time it is somebody famous. I just worry that these people aren't good role models and they set a bad influence for the kids of today.

I just think America needs to start worrying more about the serious issues first and then spend time worrying about who is marrying who.


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