
Friday, November 09, 2007

To God - November 9, 2007

Hey God-

I am in a great mood today despite my circumstances. I am learning more and more everyday that I can trust and depend on only you. I do have some truly great friends that I can trust and my family, but often in certain situations I can go only to you.

I am trusting you to work out this financial situation. I am not the cause of it, but I realize that only you can I fix it. I am stuck unless you move in it. I thank you for the jobs that you have given me and I pray that I will get to go back to my job at CABR. That would truly be a great blessing.

I am so excited about church. Services have been awesome and everyone is growing as is our church. I just can't wait to see what you have in store and I can't wait to see where our church is going to end up. I truly believe that we are going to succeed because we are established on you and we truly have a heart to see lives changed, people set free, people healed, and saved! I am so lucky to have an awesome church and church family that strives only to see me grow and prosper so that I can help others to do the same.

I have only a praise on my lips today God. I thank you and praise for all that you have done, all you are doing, and all you will do. I thank you for saving me, and true I can be better but I am not where I used to be, thank God! I love you truly with all my heart, soul and mind and appreciate you for being a savior and a friend!


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