
Thursday, December 27, 2007

The Anti-God Movement

It is just so hard to believe that 2008 is almost here and with it comes another Presidential election. I can't help but feel nervous when I think about where America could be headed should certain candidates be elected to the highest position in the country. I am a strong conservative and although I am deeply concerned about the candidates for the the democrat party, there really aren't any candidates I like in the republican party.

I have heard many conservatives say that they are going to sit out of this election because they couldn't vote for someone who doesn't support the exact same ideals they do. I totally understand where they are coming from and in a perfect world they would have a candidate like that, but it seems we have reached a point in the United States (and it has been here for some time) where we vote for the lesser of two evils.

I hope and pray that one of the many republican candidates will rise up and take a highly conservative stance on all issues. I truly believe that if a candidate would stick to the right instead of trying to move to the middle they would gain a lot more votes.

When I think about the elections I can't help but worry that our nation may be turned over to another Clinton. I have this shirt I love to wear that says, "One Clinton Was Enough". I got it in Texas oddly enough...haha!

If you believe in praying to God, I ask that you pray for our nation. We are headed in the wrong direction and into a dangerous direction. I believe that our country has been protected and has prospered because of our deep belief in God and for the most part putting Him first. But now we have come to the point in our nation where there is a movement to rid God out of everything. Off of our money, our of our pledge, etc. It's sad!



At 11:50 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

NuTang invite code. I hope you still want to join our blogging community



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