Where Has This Bush Been?
Dear God-
I watched the State of the Union Address Last night and couldn't help, but wonder where this strong, conservative President has been. I believe that Bush was your chosen candidate, but some of the decisions he has made recently have upset me to my core. He seemed to be migrating to the left a little. But last night I had a restored trust in him.

In the beginning of the address he called for less government and placing government back in the hands of the people...
"In the work ahead, we must be guided by the philosophy that made our nation great. As Americans, we believe in the power of individuals to determine their destiny and shape the course of history. We believe that the most reliable guide for our country is the collective wisdom of ordinary citizens. And so in all we do, we must trust in the ability of free peoples to make wise decisions, and empower them to improve their lives for their futures."
He seems to be migrating back towards tried and true conservative principles - allow the people to decide their destiny. I principle that has worked time and time again (i.e. the Reagan years).
Bush also talked about placing money back in the hands of the people. This sounded very much like Reagan...
"To build a prosperous future, we must trust people with their own money and empower them to grow our economy. As we meet tonight, our economy is undergoing a period of uncertainty. America has added jobs for a record 52 straight months, but jobs are now growing at a slower pace. Wages are up, but so are prices for food and gas. Exports are rising, but the housing market has declined. At kitchen tables across our country, there is a concern about our economic future."
Bush also sounded strong as he waved his veto sword. He didn't seem to be the scared little man he has been in the past. He doesn't seem afraid to stand up for his principles and fight again the democrats!
He also seemed fierce here...
"Since 9/11, we have taken the fight to these terrorists and extremists. We will stay on the offense, we will keep up the pressure, and we will deliver justice to our enemies.
We are engaged in the defining ideological struggle of the 21st century. The terrorists oppose every principle of humanity and decency that we hold dear. Yet in this war on terror, there is one thing we and our enemies agree on: In the long run, men and women who are free to determine their own destinies will reject terror and refuse to live in tyranny. And that is why the terrorists are fighting to deny this choice to the people in Lebanon, Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and the Palestinian Territories. And that is why, for the security of America and the peace of the world, we are spreading the hope of freedom."
I'm excited to see what President Bush will do for our country over the next year. I'm thankful that we have a President that recognizes the true threat that is terrorism. I believe that had we elected a democrat our country would be much worse off.
I pray God that Americans will elect a Godly candidate in this upcoming election. I pray that you will lead and guide this candidate in every decision. The fate of America depends on your protection and should we continue down our unGodly path, I fear that your protection will be lifted.
I just pray that the Christians will go to war for this country and return it back to its Godly roots!!
Love you God,
Quotes courtesy of www.whitehouse.gov
How do you feel about him demanding retroactive immunity for telecom companies?
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