Bush - Helpful or Harmful?
Yesterday a closed door fundraiser was held in support of John McCain by Pres. Bush. I couldn't help but wonder if this would be helpful or harmful to McCain. Currently President Bush has a 70% disapproval rating and I fear that this disapproval could rub off onto McCain.

Currently on a Fox News Poll, voters say that Bush is harmful to McCain (68% to 32 %). And voters are who matters. I think the only true way to tell Bush's impact is on Election Day in November!
It's true that McCain will carry out many of the policies implemented by the Bush administration (McCain is not hiding that), so why should he be worried at all that Bush will have a negative effect on him. Well the American people will see John McCain side by side with a president they don't like and view McCain's presidency as simply another Bush presidency - McCain doesn't want that. I don't think Bush has been a bad president, he's not been the greatest though. His 70% disapproval rating is evidence of that. But too many Americans vote on the basis of money in my opinion. As long as they have lots of money in their pocket and lots more on the way, they are happy (now that is a blanket statement - I realize that).
Bush may not have done much to help our economy, but thanks to him we are still alive - too many people take that for granite. As for McCain I wish him luck against Obama or Clinton. For our sake I hope it is Clinton. Our nation won't be able to stand an Obama presidency!
Obama will be great president, i am sure. People love him, because he is peaceful and he wants to stop war in Iraq. You said: "Bush may not have done much to help our economy, but thanks to him we are still alive". Bush started war in Midle East, he sent so many young americans into death; How can you thank him for that? I hope that Obama will be next president, for better future in the US, and for peace around the globe.
All the best,
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