
Wednesday, May 30, 2007

To God - May 30, 2007

Dear God,

Its been a while since I have been here. It seems for so long that I have been up on top of that mountain, with very few worries or concerns just living my life for you with no regrets. But I find myself in one of those moments of testing, where true Christians stand and weak ones fall. I want to stand!

I trust you God I really do! I know that "All things work for the good of those who serve you". I know that all times can't be perfect and I don't always want them to be because I know that during these times I get the opportunity to get closer to you.

I know I'm not perfect - I find that out more and more each day! I'm so thankful God that you look upon my heart and know that I truly wish to do good. It makes me sad when I put myself in your shoes. How many times I have not spoken up on your behalf and remained silent! AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH! I pray that you help me overcome that! That makes me more upset than when I outright sin.

I'm not sure what this feeling is really. I refuse to allow myself to get depressed and worry. That doesn't help. God help me to fully turn all my burdens over to you. I have such an issue with control. Remember what Joyce Myer was talking about on her show today, that worrying and not giving up control waste time.

It's funny to me sometimes how quickly I jump to worrying. I mean, you have never once let me down or forgotten right where I am. You knew me even before I was in my mother's womb.

I'm sick of being a talker and not a walker. I talk a big talk about getting out and working with the lost, but so often I fail to do it. God I just wish sometimes that people would just give you a chance. I want them to know you like I do, to experience how great you truly are. I know that if they could just get a glimpse they would know!

God I know that I have to love everyone, but that Rosie O'Donnell really pushes my buttons. Its just such a same how blinded some people are to you! It breaks my heart to see so many people who aren't content because they don't know you. It hurts me to see my dad just fight and fight for things to happen and I know they won't because he needs to turn them over to you! I hate to see the anger and fustration he has, because I know he knows that he needs you but he just won't turn himself over.

Oh, and God, remember my Aunt Linda, she called today and needs help in the ministry she has started in Minnesota. It sounds like she has a true work to do out there, but we all do. And God if it is your will for me to go out there and help for a while show me and provide the way.

God I pray for my wife, where ever she may be. God I pray that you keep your hand upon her and raise her up to be a mighty worker for you. God I pray that you keep me from finding second best I want the very best that you have for me. God I need someone who is soldout to you and on fire! I want someone who is going to complement me and make her funny too (you know how I like to laugh).

God I just want you to know I love you. I only ask these things of you because I know that you are able and in control of everything. I just thank you for all that you have done for me. For saving me and filling me with the Holy Ghost and giving me chance after chance to serve you better. Here Am I - use me as you see fit! I will do whatever and go whereever. Give me wisdom and discernment to know the truth!

Today I give you my all!