
Thursday, May 29, 2008

Obama's Endorsements

In the midst of a Presidential election many spectulate at the power a candidate's endorsements play in the election process. Candidates often desire senior and top officials in that candidates party and usually the candidate nominated has the most from his or her party. But interesting to me is this article I found. It speaks about the nominations Obama has received from several other nations leaders.

Thanks to http://www.dmiblog.com/archives/barack_obama.jpg for the image!

The article starts with this, "The latest unsought praise for the Democratic front-runner came from Fidel Castro, who wrote in a column for Cuba’s Granma newspaper Monday that Obama is
'the most progressive candidate to the U.S. presidency.'"

The article also talked about another endorsement he received, "In mid-April, Hamas adviser Ahmed Yousef told WorldNetDaily that 'We like Mr. Obama, and we hope that he will win the elections.'" He also said, "'I hope Mr. Obama and the Democrats will change the political
discourse. I do believe [Obama] is like John Kennedy, a great man with a great principle.'"

It is important that we consider these endorsements carefully as we are engaged in a global war!

Thanks to this article (http://elections.foxnews.com/2008/05/28/obama-dogged-by-praise-from-americas-foes/) and Fox News for keeping us informed about Obama!

Clinton and Obama both beating McCain

I read an interesting article yesterday that shows that both Clinton and Obama are leading McCain in the polls. This is scary to me. Here is what the polls look like according to CNN.

May 15-27
Voters’ Choice for President
Obama: 46 percent
McCain: 44 percent
Unsure: 10 percent
May 15-27
Voters’ Choice for President
Clinton: 46 percent
McCain: 44 percent
Unsure: 10 percent

Wow folks! We need to pray and fast. A national government in the hands of the democrats is terrifying to me. They will have control of both the executive and legislative branches and could take over the judicial branch during that term (should a Supreme Court justice retire). All I have to say is pray, pray, pray!

*The national general election “poll of polls” consists of three surveys: Gallup (May 22-25/27), Newsweek (May 21-22), and Reuters/Zogby (May 15-18). The poll of polls does not have a sampling error.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Bush - Helpful or Harmful?

Yesterday a closed door fundraiser was held in support of John McCain by Pres. Bush. I couldn't help but wonder if this would be helpful or harmful to McCain. Currently President Bush has a 70% disapproval rating and I fear that this disapproval could rub off onto McCain.

Picture courtesy of http://newsimg.bbc.co.uk/

Currently on a Fox News Poll, voters say that Bush is harmful to McCain (68% to 32 %). And voters are who matters. I think the only true way to tell Bush's impact is on Election Day in November!

It's true that McCain will carry out many of the policies implemented by the Bush administration (McCain is not hiding that), so why should he be worried at all that Bush will have a negative effect on him. Well the American people will see John McCain side by side with a president they don't like and view McCain's presidency as simply another Bush presidency - McCain doesn't want that. I don't think Bush has been a bad president, he's not been the greatest though. His 70% disapproval rating is evidence of that. But too many Americans vote on the basis of money in my opinion. As long as they have lots of money in their pocket and lots more on the way, they are happy (now that is a blanket statement - I realize that).

Bush may not have done much to help our economy, but thanks to him we are still alive - too many people take that for granite. As for McCain I wish him luck against Obama or Clinton. For our sake I hope it is Clinton. Our nation won't be able to stand an Obama presidency!

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

I Just Don't Get It

As a young kid I would hear my mom and my grandma and different ones in my church say how they longed to go to Heaven and that this world no longer had anything to offer them. I never quite understood how they felt. I mean, I always wanted to go to Heaven, but I felt I had so much left to do that I didn't want to go yet.

As I have gotten older and have been put through many tests and trials, I can honestly say I understand how they felt and feel. Lately I just feel like I have been through so many things and I would be glad to call Heaven my home today. I love my friends ( and I have some of the best there is) and family and I look forward to what my future may hold, but if the Lord were to call me home today, I would have absolutely no problem going. I feel like there is nothing that is holding me here.

I heard Pam (she's like a second Mom and awesome spiritual mentor I have) say that she feels like a visitor here on Earth and she is just passing through. I feel more like that every day. I just don't feel at home here anymore. I find that the things that I loved just don't mean the same thing anymore.

I long to be closer to God and I want to just stop saying that and actually do it. I want to be so close to Him that I think like He would. When you get really close to them many times you start acting like them and talking like them. I want that.
I wonder if anyone else feels like they aren't really effecting anyone around them. I sometimes feel like the things I am doing and the stand I am trying to take for God doesn't effect anyone around me. There are so many things I want and maybe they are so hard to reach because they are such great things. I think that if some of my closest friends were to start coming to church and surrender their lives to God I would probably not be able to stand myself. I would be so messed up. It would be great!

God, these situations I am going through at church are yours now. I can't handle them anymore. I don't want them anymore. They are yours to do with as you please and I am going to worry about them no longer! I can't do anything to make them better anyway, so you can do what you want! I am in your hands and trust you completely.


Saturday, May 17, 2008

Conservatives too quiet?

Are conservatives being to silent on every issue? We have our talk shows, Laura Ingraham, Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh, and Mark Levin to name a few, but the rest of the conservative base sit by quietly. I worry that our silence is taken as a head nod. We don't necessarily agree, but we fail to make our voice heard.

It has happened so often throughout the years. A small group of people and sometimes just one person stands up to say they don't like something and before we know it, because of lack interest or lack of caring or lack of knowing what to do, certain rights are taken away.

With the case in California, the gay marriage ban being lifted, one state (two counting Massachusetts) is able to legislate for the whole country. I fear that because of the conservative base's silence and the boldness of liberals, everything that we hold dear will be gone and all morals will be lost. I know a lot of conservatives are worried about hurting people's feelings and it is important to approach people with a good spirit, but we have to stand up and speak.

As a Christian, I have been commissioned to share the truth and not standing against evil and what is wrong, I'm allowing the wrong to happen.

Here's what you can do to make a difference:
On a spiritual level you can pray and fast for our nation.
In the physical you can try to educate people (share what you know - the truth).
You can also call your leaders of your state and country.

The time to act is NOW!

Friday, May 16, 2008

California Overturns Gay-Marriage Ban

Yesterday California's highest court overturned the ban on Gay-marriage in that state (court decision). The issue will mostly likely be placed on the ballot in November to determine if the a law would be amended to the state's constitution.

As many homosexual couples are making plans to get married many conservative groups are rallying to ask the court to postpone the ruling until voters can vote on the issue in November. This would allow the people to decide rather than a small group of individuals. We need to pray for the people of California!

My biggest issue with this whole thing (besides gay-marriage) is that one or two (Massachusetts) states are deciding the issue for the rest of the country. Homosexuals can simply travel to one of these states to have their relationship validated. I don't like the fact that state courts are legislating issues for the rest of the country.

We as a nation should be praying and fasting over this issue. I believe that God is disgusted with this nation and at anytime he could lift his hand of protection and we as a nation are on our own. If you have not started praying and fasting over our nation, what are you waiting for. Pray daily for it. An all out Satanic attack has been launched against this nation because we are the main source for the gospel to all parts of the world. We need to take a stand again him and fight back! Now is the time!


Thursday, May 15, 2008

Will Obama get the nomination?

I wonder if Obama is worried after the West Virginia primary. Should he be? Will the same voters who voted for Hillary in places like Texas, Ohio, Indiana, and West Virginia vote for Obama (this article considers that issue)? These are all questions running through my mind. It seems to me that the democratic party would be better to rally behind Clinton instead of their favored hero Obama. But that's only my take on what I see.

According to the polls Obama would be a much easier candidate for John McCain, but I anything could happen and that worries me. I think my greatest fear right now is Obama in the Whitehouse. I am willing to do my best to make sure that doesn't happen. If that means praying and fasting or campaigning for McCain that is what I will do. McCain is not my favorite candidate and may just be one step right of the middle, but he is far better than the alternative.

Either way this election is going to be excited. I am going to pray and fast for the best!!!


Monday, May 05, 2008

I'm Calling a Fast

As you may know, tomorrow, May 6 marks two important primaries (Indiana and N. Carolina) for the democratic party. Currently candidate Hillary Clinton is trailing Barack Hussein Obama in the delegate count. Many believe that Hillary plans to stay in the race until the very end, but tomorrow's primaries could help to sway many super-delegates, who may ultimately decide this race, in Obama's favor. According to all polls, the races are close, but Obama is leading.

As a Christian and Conservative I believe that both candidates (Clinton and Obama) would be disastrous for this nation and I will not be supporting either candidate in November, but I believe that Barack Obama produces the larger threat to the survival of the United States and to the freedoms that we cherish. Despite the traditional platform of the democratic party, Obama has voted more liberal than any other democrat in the senate, he is often referred to as "The Most Liberal Senator".

He voted against banning partial birth abortion, he supports giving full reign and full monetary support to scientists who work in the field of stem cell research, he voted no on the constitutional ban on same-sex marriages, he voted yes on banning drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (could bring gas prices way lower), and he wants to give illegal immigrant's driver's licenses, just to name a few things he supports.

He has also been shrouded with controversy - the Rev. Wright scandal (Obama's pastor who blamed America for the attacks on 9/11 and also used very racist and divisive speech), his wife (who claims she has never been excited about her country or happy to live here until now), and Obama's own words, he said that residents of small-town America “cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren’t like them” out of bitterness over lost jobs.

Obama has said that he will abandon the protection that our nation provides to Israel. The Bible clearly says that Israel is God's chosen nation and it is dire that we continue our protection of Israel. I believe that our nation has been spared many conflicts and difficult times because of our protection of this nation. Our protection of this land began back in the 1940's during President Truman's administration and it MUST continue indefinitely. I believe our nation has prospered and we have been successful because of this protection we have given. Despite how you feel about the other issues, once we withdraw our support I believe that we will open ourselves up for destruction. I believe this support is the last thread that is helping us to remain in God's favor. We are a nation that has lost all moral values and the beliefs of this nation are all askew.

As I was praying today, I felt to call a fast. Those of you who believe in the power of prayer I ask that you join me tomorrow in a fast and prayer. I also ask that you contact all your friends and family who know how to get a hold of God and ask them to join as well. I believe in the power of prayer and fasting to change things. Pray that God will speak to the hearts of all who are voting tomorrow and in the future and that he will guide them in what way to vote. I believe that those people can go in with their mind made up to vote for one candidate and come out voting for a completely different one. Pray that the delegates will switch their position to the other candidate. It's not to late to change things. God is able to do all things!!! Pray for the republican candidate John McCain. Pray that God guides him in decisions he makes in the next couple of months on his campaign. Pray for those who are undecided on which way to vote.

Ezra 8:21-23
21 Then I proclaimed a fast there, at the river of Ahava, that we might afflict ourselves before our God, to seek of him a right way for us, and for our little ones, and for all our substance.

22 For I was ashamed to require of the king a band of soldiers and horsemen to help us against the enemy in the way: because we had spoken unto the king, saying, The hand of our God is upon all them for good that seek him; but his power and his wrath is against all them that forsake him.

23 So we fasted and besought our God for this: and he was intreated of us.

It is important that we seek God's direction and pray that others will do the same...If you have any questions about the candidates or about the election process I would be glad to answer them and remember to forward this on!!!
