My Comments on Amanda's Comments about my post "Republicans Should Vote for Hillary Clinton"
Amanda's Comments from a previous post I wrote called "Republicans Should Vote for Hillary Clinton"
1. we live in a democracy. in order for you to suddenly wake up and womenhave to
wear head coverings, etc., congress would have to approve it. and thenlaw
enforcement and the military (which are all made up "of the people") wouldhave
to enforce it. And if they did, and were able to, that would mean that
mostAmericans agreed with and were behind the law. So, I agree with "anonymous"
- doa little more research and use your brain a little bit instead of just
latchingon to whatever chain emails, James Dobson, Ann Coulter and the other nut
jobsare saying
2. Have you read any of Obama's platforms or listened to any
of hisspeeches...beyond debates (because in debates there isn't much time to
expoundon specific ideas) because he has said how he will fix things. It is the
Clintonadmin. that is spreading around that he doesn't have specific ideas.
Again, doyour research.
3. What in the world do those verses have to do with
this election? Americais most certainly not the promised land. And there are
"christians" that havekilled for their "religion" too - timothy mcvay claimed to
be doing just that.and abortion clinic bombers. most muslims want to be
associated with the"muslims" that kill for their "religion" about as much as
christians want to beassociated with timothy mcvay.
4. finally, change for
the sake of change IS a bad thing. but, again, do yourresearch. obama isn't
advocating change just for the sake of change. he isadvocating change in the
areas that Bush has failed (and there are a lot ofthem). there are other areas
that he is not advocating change in, because theyare already working. you have a
right to vote for whoever you want to. one ofthe great things about this
country. and i suspect your voting has a lot to dowith your faith. but i would
strongly encourage you to look past what theevangelical leaders of this country
are saying and do your own research. becauseit's not so black and white. there
are good and bad things with both politicalparties and things that Jesus would
like about both political parties.(republicans - abortion and stem cell research
come to mind) (democrats - thedeath penalty because Jesus says turn the other
cheek and judge not, and socialissues because Jesus says to help the poor and
needy, not cast them aside andtell them they should have done better because
they had opportunities in this country). anyway, no hard feelings. and may the
best candidate win.
I just wanted to take the time to address some of the issues that Amanda brings out. First, I think Congress is completely out of touch with reality and the American people and for me to say that one day we could wake up and women would be required to wear full coverings is not unrealistic. If you take a look at certain laws or decisions that have been handed down from the Supreme Court, for instance, Roe v. Wade, or prayer taken out of schools, before those ideas past everyone was saying that is outrageous, it will never happen. But then it did and people eventually opened up to the idea and now abortion and lack of prayer in schools are accepted things.
Next I am a free thinker. Many times I do agree with the things that Conservative thinkers say (and it's funny you mention James Dobson(I don't really don't agree with him on a lot of things) and Ann Coulter(I think she is too outrageous for the Conservative movement and always attempts to anger everyone)), but if I don't agree with them I will say so as well. I never latch on to their ideas. I listen, read up on the issue and then make my own decision.
I have researched Obama's ideas and he says want he wants to do and goals for his administration, but doesn't layout clear and consise means for reaching those goals.
It was wrong of me to make the assumption that all Muslims are radical extremists because they are not.
As far as Jesus saying "turn the other cheek" that is true, but God many times in the Bible brought down capital punishment on people who disobeyed his laws. I am only for the death penalty during times when the defendant is clearly guilty and it has been determined without a doubt.
As far as social programs, I am definitely for helping the poor and needy I just believe that the democrats means of helping is crippling people. I believe that in times people do need help and the government should be there to help them. But when I go to the grocery store and see the women in front of me spend $200 on cigarettes and alcohol and then turn around and use her food stamps for $200 in food, there is a problem there. I have heard of great stories where people got on welfare and in a short time were on their feet and prospering on their own. That was the original intention of welfare, our government has taken it to far and people live their entire life on welfare. We need to still help people, but reform the way we do it.
I am nervous and excited all at the same time to see what will happen during this election. I had a dream last night that I was with my friend Natalie running through downtown Cincinnati dodging bombs and gunfire. Not sure if it was a sign of what is to come or just a dream???
Thanks Amanda for your comments. It helped be to better formulate my argument and to take into account the other side of issues!!!